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  • NPO has organized “Press Briefing on the Role / Importance and updates” on 1st Productivity Movement of Pakistan (Awareness Phase)


    NPO has organized “Press Briefing on the Role / Importance and updates” on 1st Productivity Movement of Pakistan (Awareness Phase), A way to Unlocking Economic Potential through Productivity and Competitiveness” in Islamabad Hotel on 6th July 2022.

    One of the NPO’s key developmental initiative is “Improving Competitiveness through Sustainable National Productivity (SNP)”. The encompassing objective of the project is to launch massive awareness programs to help in enhancing the productivity of different segments of economy. Moreover, under Planning Commission’s Strategic initiative of “Turn Around Pakistan”, the Government of Pakistan has initiated a plan to stabilize the economic condition of Pakistan. Vision 2025 with the first stage of greater, more long terms vision leading up to our first century in 2047. This vision rests on 7 pillars as key driver of growth which will transform Pakistan into a vibrant & prosperous nation. Among 7 Pillars, the pillar VI namely as “Improving National Competitiveness” has been assigned to NPO. It is aimed at “Improving Competitiveness through Enhanced Productivity, Innovation and Quality for Export led Growth”.

    NPO is also working as the member of Planning Commission’s Working Group on “Reforming Policy Incentives for the Industrial Sectors” for preparation of “Three Year Rolling Growth Strategy (3YRGS) Agenda for Economic Diversification, Transformation and jobs-led Growth” comprises of the “Formulation of National Program on Targeted Productivity Enhancement”, “Productivity Measurement System”, and “Corresponding Productivity Based Incentives to Various Segments of the Pakistan Economy”.

    Key activities of Sustainable National Productivity include activities such as Launch of Productivity Movement, Engagement of National/International Experts through APO Assistance, Productivity Portal, Productivity (Curriculum and Booklets) for Schools & Industry, National/ International Conference, Documentaries, Productivity (News Letter and Journal), Awareness Sessions, Seminars, and Trainings on Productivity Tools & Techniques, Online Courses, Print & Social Media Campaigns, Productivity Competitions (Poster, Article, Debate), Productivity Walk and day/weeks Celebration etc.

    CEO NPO, Mr. Muhammad Alamgir Chaudhry has briefed the Role and Importance of Productivity Movement of Pakistan. CEO also presents the SNP progress updates and achievements for the financial year 2021-2022 to the journalist and print media professionals.

    CEO NPO, Mr. Muhammad Alamgir Chaudhry said that in this modern era of globalization, many developed countries are moving towards Knowledge Based Economies (KBE) taking competitive edge by rapid improving their competitiveness and innovation capabilities through enabling environment for technological investment, human resource development, and business regulations covering good processes, procedures and systems.

    CEO, NPO also said that Pakistan is also recognized globally as a high potential economy but unfortunately in past many years, the country has not been able to utilize its potential and gain competitive advantage in global and regional market. The major reasons behind country’s slow growth rates of output are lack of innovation, low level of investment, technological inefficiencies and limited R&D resulting in lower productivity and non-competitiveness. These competitive weaknesses highlighted in Global Competitiveness index 2019-World Economic Forum as Pakistan ranks 110 out of 141 countries due to low labor market efficiency (120), technology adoption (131), and higher education & training (125).

    CEO NPO, also shared that the Government of Pakistan is very much committed towards improving the economic landscape of Pakistan through focusing sustainable development approaches of increasing business competitiveness, investment facilitation, value addition, export promotion and import substitution. To augment this commitment of Government of Pakistan, and initiative taken in this regard, the role of key stakeholders i.e., Industry, Academia and Employers Federation is very important to make initiatives taken by the NPO under PSDP project SNP success for the achievement of the desired target both on National and International level.

    After briefing by CEO NPO, the questions from the panel of journalists and print media professionals were answered.

    At the end Vote of Thanks has was given by CEO NPO to all audience for their support. CEO also highlighted that this is the era of media therefore, the role of media professional is very important and can plays pivotal role in spreading the message of productivity massively not only at National level but also at International level which will support in inculcating the productivity culture in Pakistan. He emphasized on joining hands to make Pakistan globally competitive so as we can grab our share from the international market

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