NPO has Won the IFC Business Edge Project to Conduct Tease/Pilot events and Quality Control in Pakistan
National Productivity Organization (NPO) has signed an agreement with International Finance Corporation (IFC) in November 2014 for conducting Business Edge Project of 2014 - 15 in Pakistan.
The objective of the project is to spread the awareness about IFC Business Edge initiatives for the progress of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) and enhance their performance and competitiveness to meet the global challenges.
Business Edge specialized training products and services are developed by International Finance Corporation (IFC) and focuses on core management skills, such as financial, operational, marketing, human resource management and sound leadership skills.
Under this project NPO will organize 10 tease/pilot events and quality control of trainings through trainers assessment in various cities of Pakistan. The project is awarded to NPO after successful completion of the similar project for the year 2013 - 14.